What is Midwest PETS?
The Rotary Midwest President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) is one of the largest multi-district PETS in the United States. It was formed in 2012 with a view to becoming a premier training event with the atmosphere of a mini Rotary International Convention by leveraging the expertise and buying power of six Rotary Districts from Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, Districts 6220, 6250, 6270, 6420, 6440 and 6450.
With the ability to host exceptional speakers, informative workshops, detailed district training sessions, fellowship and networking, the basic purpose of our PETS is to motivate our 500+ attendees including club presidents-elect, presidents-elect nominee, secretaries, assistant governors, and Rotaract leaders to ensure they are extremely well prepared for their year of service.
President Elect (PE)
Every Rotary Club President-Elect is required to participate in President-Elect training each year. Midwest PETS respects the rule but designs the three day conference to truly benefit the attendees providing opportunities to learn about the breadth of Rotary and share ideas with fellow Rotarians.
As a six-district President-eElect training seminar, Midwest PETS can attract engaging, motivating speakers and the best trainers and facilitators from each of the districts. The curriculum is frequently updated so new ideas are presented and discussed.
President-Elect Nominee (PN)
So much is covered in the three days, President-Elect nominees (PN) are encouraged to attend and have a separate training track so the next year of training as a President-Elect is not redundant. PN’s leave Midwest PETS prepared to create a 15 month plan so when it is their year to serve as club president a vision of what the club can do in one year is already in place.
Club Secretary
Club Secretaries are also strongly encouraged to attend to learn about new tools. A separate training track specifically designed for Club Secretaries will strongly help them with leadership transition year after year.
Assistant Governor
Assistant Governors get an excellent opportunity to work directly with the Club Presidents they’re going to serve in the future. Being a part of their training and having the opportunity to connect and collaborate at Midwest PETS helps lay the foundation for a Rotary friendship that’s built on trust and mutual success. A separate training track specifically designed for Assistant Governors offers educational content and leadership training to help them in this important role.
Rotaract Leadership is Welcome Too!
Rotaract Club PEs, PNs and Secretaries are also welcome. If you’re a Rotaractor and want to get connected to this first class educational experience, please reach out to your District Leadership to see how you can take the next step!