Rotary Club of Neenah
Rotary Club of Neenah
The Rotary Club of Neenah was chartered by Rotary International on April 29, 1925. From the very beginning, Neenah Rotary was alert to community needs and supported many worthwhile programs. One of the Club's early projects was providing transportation for handicapped children.
Other projects which have benefited young and old throughout our area over the years include:
- Contributing funds and volunteers to build several parks in Neenah, including the Rocket playground.
- Building a potting shed at the Valley VNA
- Continuing support for the Boys & Girl's Brigade's Christmas Giving program
- Spearheading and the ultimate formation of the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum
- Providing for the display of the Olen Indian Relics Collection in our City Hall
- An extensive tree planting project in Downtown Neenah
- Support for the Playing In The Rain sculpture in Riverside Park
- Instrumental in senior programs care and Alzheimer's programs through VNA
- Funding youth scholarship programs: vocational, college, music and art camps, leadership training camps, Wisconsin Business World, World Affairs Seminar, etc.
- Badger Boys & Girls State support
- Child immunization program
- Drug education and crime reduction programs
- Regional domestic abuse, and sexual abuse prevention programs
- YMCA Day Care Shelter Fund
As a result of fund raisers and Club events going back to the 1950's, the Neenah Rotary Foundation has continued to grow and remain strong. Since 1960, the Club has presented thousands of dollars in scholarships to students in the Neenah Joint School district.
The Club's annual public fund raisers include Uncorked & Uncapped, the Rotary Classic Golf Scramble and a Dodgeball/Pickleball tournament. Participation by all Rotarians is important because dues alone would never allow us to sponsor so many community projects.